User Interface

Navigate and Customize Analysis Results for Your Target Market.

Udency's platform enables users to navigate analysis results, offering the option to configure parameters such as time intervals, communication channels, and benchmarks that define the company's specific target market.

Recognition in Visual Content:

Man - Woman

The application utilizes visual recognition algorithms to automatically identify gender in images and videos.



The application employs facial feature recognition algorithms to identify a person's ethnicity from images and videos.


The application categorizes images and videos into four age ranges: 0-19 years, 20-39 years, 40-59 years, and 60+ years.


Body shape

The application categorizes images and videos based on three types of body shapes: Regular, Curvy, Plus Size.

Assessment of the presence and positioning of subjects in visual content.

In addition to measuring the presence of various categories, evaluating the positioning and visual prominence of subjects within visual content is of utmost importance.

Visual prominence attributed to individual subjects.


Visual Relevance

Quantitative analysis of the space occupied by each individual.



Quantitative analysis of the subjects depicted in the foreground.



Quantitative analysis of the subjects depicted in the background.

The D&I Quadrant

The D&I Quadrant is an analytical tool that enables the visualization of a company's communication positioning in terms of Diversity and Inclusion. An additional module allows for the analysis and visualization of competitors' communication within the same quadrant.

Visual prominence attributed to individual subjects.

Fairness Quadrant

Balanced representation of individuals and their identities. Although your textual communication is evenly structured, it infrequently addresses Diversity and Inclusion issues.

Fair & Inclusive Quadrant

Communication that fully respects the values of Diversity and Inclusion.


Targeted Quadrant

Communication showing significant room for improvement in terms of Diversity and Inclusion.

Inclusive Quadrant

Visual and textual communication is not fully balanced, although there is extensive coverage of Diversity and Inclusion themes in document texts or posts.

Steer your success using the D&I Quadrant: Assess, amplify, and surpass your competition through inclusion and diversity!

D&I Quadrant

An advanced analysis tool that aids in improving corporate communication with a focus on Diversity & Inclusion, allowing for a strategic comparison with competitor approaches.